Friday, December 5, 2008


I have been having fits and starts lately here without any fruit. I have had 3 unpublished posts this week. I think I have gotten a grip on what is going on. I have so much to say but find it daunting to release it. Because of this, I am not moving forward with the rest. As of now, I am putting the other aside and moving forward with another avenue of thoughts.
I had 3 magnificent dinners this week!
Monday, a friend and I went to a very nice establishment in San Francisco. Thanks much to Ms. Guido for her fine suggestion. The food was terrific and all, but I didn't eat much. Rather I enjoyed 3 hours of fantastic exploratory surgery.
Wednesday, Hollywood baby. I, and my three dates (yea, that's right, three) went to a fabulous hollywood shi shi sushi place. Paparazzi were stationed outside and celebs in. We saw a Mr. Zack Braff. One of my dates left me to chase him into the bathroom, just for a looksee. I wish I had remembered that my bro's wife went to college with him and I had already been told if I ran into him to say hello because they used to hang. Oh well, next time.
Friday, dinner with my daughter at the homestead. Yea, that doesn't sound nearly as glamourous or exciting as the other two, but it was indeed just as special. I miss that little one when I am out of town. I especially did this week following the terrific week of travel we had the week prior.
All for now. Just checking in.

Those who mistake the unessential to be essential
and the essential to be unessential,
dwelling in wrong thoughts,
never arrive at the essential.

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