Friday, December 12, 2008

fridays to a business traveler

TGIF my ass.  Fridays are the worst day of the week for a guy like me.  I have to get to my client early (7am est today) and leave late, catch a plane back to the west coast just in time to arrive before Saturday starts.  I mean, what is at all good about a 21 hour work day?  The end, that is what.  Oh right, I have been gone all week and may want to catch up with my friends and family or something of that nature.  Good luck with that.  I woke up at 3am est today due to some glitch in the system.  That means that by the time I get home, I will have been up for 24 hours.  I am not saying that this will make me go to bed.  No, something much worse happens.  I tough it out and go somewhere.  This never ends well, unless you think Josh making an ass of himself again is well.  Tonight is no different.  I would like to catch up with a friend in SF tonight.  Oh you have an idea for me; why not catch a nap on the plane.  Um, have you been on a plane lately?  I am not complaining, I have no problem flying, just not a place that you can really catch a good sleep.

Motion detecting bathrooms:  All in all this is a good idea.  I have seen all kinds of craziness in bathrooms for the sake of automation and sanitation, all with varying degrees of success.  I have seen my kid on several occasions look at a toilet in a restaurant that is not automatic with perplexity in her eyes, like what are you waiting for, I'm done, go for it.  This, I think, also causes her to forget to flush at home once in a while (another story all together).  The shop I am in this week has an over-active soap dispenser.  this means I have to maneuver my hand around the damn thing just to rinse the soap off; all the while the damn dispenser continues to spit it's load at me.  This is clearly not serving it's purpose.  No one notices or cares, I guess.

Whatever.  I had a bit of time to kill, so I figured, why not you too.

Just to be clear, don't ever feel sympathy for me regarding these musings.  I write them to entertain, pure and simple.  I am not in any way discontented by this setup.  If I was, I would change it, guaranteed. 

Note to self:  knock it off with all the disclaimers.  If you are going to put it out there, you cannot control how it is received.  Don't try.  The trying in and of itself is debilitating and counterproductive.

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