Wednesday, December 17, 2008


This is what we all are.  Teammates.  At work, home and on the road.  Teammates back you up and you do the same for them.  That is the point isn't it?  I have been thinking quite a bit about my teammates today.  In the office I had a someone come up big for me today.  I was on the hook for something that I had no way of fixing and no way to control.  I was charged with traveling on Sunday to Wisconsin in order to clearly document our lack of responsibility.  I and others have been able to prove this 5 separate times and corroborate our results.  For a reason that I know but never understand, the customer is completely unwilling to accept responsibility for this issue.  This is a very old story among a certain type of customer.  Well everything worked ok before you got here so this cannot be our fault and must be yours.  Never mind, you have nothing else like what we do in your environment and have never tried this sort of thing before, not your fault.  Of course.  But I digress (just kidding, I am always digressing).  My teammate came up big for me on this and extricated me.  I am extremely grateful for this.  Now I don't have to yell out in the immortal words of Cheap Trick "Hello Wisconsin" on Sunday night!
I also came up big on a new team today at work.  I was able to sell my own services and extra product to a client that is local.  I worked with a channel that I usually don't work with in order to complete this process.  The ink isn't down but I believe this will happen.  And that is work.  It is very clear who your teammates are and how to be a good one at work.
Now, what makes a good teammate in the social world?  Don't ask me, man; I don't know.  I do know this:  I am a good one and have a bunch of good ones too.  You know who you are.  Thanks teammates!

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