Wednesday, December 10, 2008

bits and pieces

well, I don't have a full idea today, but I have some partials.  First thing, I wanted to talk about the passive listening system employed by most men; especially married men.  The way this works is kinda like tivo.  Your significant other, boss, et al is yapping at ya about how you didn't finish your chores, work, prayers and you are watching the game, star trek, playing video games.  Then the inevitable happens.  The:  Are you listiening to me?  Yes.  Well, what did I just say?  Bingo, this is where the passive system comes in handy.  You are able to repeat pretty much verbatum even thougth your consciesness was barely aware there was anyone there.  This tecnique is somewhat secretive, so if you women plan on asking about this, you will be flatly dismissed, as far as you are concerned, we are listening with bated breath.  This is a time honored tradition passed on from gristly old veterans to young nuptial bucks over beer and bbq, subtly and gradually.  I remember the day I was imparted this wisdom for the first time.  I was waiting in the car with my dad for my mom to finish up her 45 minute goodbyes.  That was when he gave me my first clue as to what the PLS (passive listening system) was all about and how to use it.  Go forward, listen, passivly!

I know its strange another way to get to know you
you'll never know unless we go so let me show you
i know its strange another way to get to know you
we've got till noon here comes the moon
so let it show you
show you now

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