Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I am aggravating

To those of you who know me, this is no surprise. I live my life in controlled chaos. I am ok with that; no, I enjoy it. Lately this truth has been especially acutely difficult with some. Let me say first of all: I am truly sorry, I mean no harm, I am trying my best to mitigate this for those it effects.

That being said. there are a few things I know I am particularly exceptional at. One of those things is living in this chaos. It doesn't phase me. I actually think I enjoy it. This is the life I chose to lead. I am not sure I ever wanted to be certain of what tomorrow will bring, where I will be or who will be there. I do my best to live moment to moment.

Well, that doesn't work out too well when others are not on that path with you.

I will do everything in my power to make this as comfortable as possible for those people, but I will not sacrifice my dreams just for this and would never expect another to do that for me. It is what it is.

lighter side
I had never been to dc before last month. I am heading there next week. The last time I was there congress was ironing out the budget bail out bill. Next week I will be there to experience the national election. timing is everything, right?

I heard from a friend yesterday that I haven't in many years. s/he thanked me for something that happened a long time ago. All I can say is you are welcome, you have always been welcome and I am glad I could be there.

Whatever an enemy might do to an enemy,
or a foe to a foe,
the ill-directed mind
can do to you even worse.

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