Sunday, April 12, 2009


Well, it doesn't feel like a vacation yet, but I hope he will start to soon. Met a lovely person last night. How did it happen.
Let me be clear here, I am writing tonight because I have been remiss in my duties. I got about a thousand words in me and one boring story in me tonight.
I had some pretty mild mannered plans for last night. I made some mazo ball soup for AJ and I to share for dinner. We had some wine and enjoyed some music while waiting for V to come out to play. I had previously never met V and was looking forward to it. We were getting either tired or restless waiting and headed outside to the kilowatt.
You know what, the middle of this story is, no, the truth is, this is personal and private. I was not an observer, but a participant. I don't feel right putting this all down.
We had a tough night and day but things turned out just right.
My life has been flying by lately. Happiness. Honestly, I guess I am too scattered.
What a wonderful city i live in, you can stay here any time.

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